Essential Veterinary Services for your Pet provided right at their home.
Advantages of Mobile Vet Service
We bring our expertise to you. No need for transporting your Pet, Traveling or Waiting in line at a clinic.
Advantages of Treating Pets at Home
Your loving pets get quality and stress-free care within your naturally comfortable home setting. Transporting a Pet and the examination room environment can be stressful on a Pet, especially one that may be ailing from a condition.

We perform checkups with all our visits and vaccinations - included with our fees and first visit. This helps us know your pet and we give you an opinion on the health and well-being of your beloved companion.

Please discuss with us your vaccination history and requirements. We provide written certificates for vaccinations and help you adhere to the recommendations set out by the veterinarians association

Deworming and Surgical Procedures
Medications are provided on site and where need be additional test samples are also taken and electronically mailed to you. Surgical services are available with pickup and drop off facility after recuperation.
Top rated Mobile Veterinary services for the last 8 years!
Serving all areas of GTA. Please call us for a no obligation consultation. Available evenings and weekends with appointments. Surgical appointments with affiliated clinics at competitive rates. Call 416-454-3858